No Shit
= expression used when someone says something obvious
*Used often to show annoyance or agreement.
** similar to duh, , however “no shit” is definitely more offensive because it uses the curse word shit
***Used often with the phrase “No shit, Sherlock.” or “No shit, Captain Obvious.”
Ex: (Rain begins pouring down on two guys.)
Person #1: Hey, it’s raining.
Person #2: “No shit” captain obvious. Tell me something I don’t know.
Ex: Person #1: This pizza is awesome.
Person #2: Yeah, “no shit.”
( In this case “no shit” is used more in agreement than annoyance.)

No shit can also be used as a question to confirm something.
= really?
Ex: (Two employees are talking)
Person #1: I’m thinking about quitting this job.
Person #2: “No shit?” Really?
Person #1: Yeah, I’m tired of working here.