(Level 3 Curse Word * The most offensive)
= a vulgar word used in many ways
Shit (verb)
= to expel feces from the body (to poop)
Ex: Where is your bathroom? I have to “shit.”
Ex: When I saw the bear, I nearly “shit” my pants.

Shit (noun)
= feces (poop)
Ex: What is that horrible smell? It smells like “shit.”
Ex: I think I stepped in dog “shit.”
Shitty (adjective)
= bad, not good
Ex: That was a “shitty” movie. I hated it.
Ex: He is a “shitty” person. He is rude to everyone.

Shit! (exclamation)
= expression to show anger or frustration
Ex: Oh “shit!” I forgot my wallet.
Ex: My car has no more gas. “Shit!”

__ like shit (comparison)
= is/ was horrible
Ex: The baseball player “played like shit.”
Ex: The food “tastes like shit.”

= I don’t believe you, something is untrue, something is unfair
Ex: The story about Santa Clause is “bullshit.” It’s not a true story.
Ex: I can’t believe the prices are so high. It’s “bullshit.”

Holy shit
= surprise, I can’t believe it
Ex: “Holy shit!” We won the game.
Ex: “Holy shit!” I just saw a shooting star.

__ is the shit
(modern term changing “shit” to positive term)
= it’s really cool, it’s really great
Ex: “This video game is the shit.” I could play it all day.
Ex: “Michael Jordan was the shit“ at basketball. He could beat anyone.