What’s Up
= hello, how’s it going (informal)
*Sometimes “what’s up” is shortened to just “sup.”
Who says it?: Mostly young people
It sounds like a question, but really it is the same meaning as “hello” or “how’s it going.”
You don’t have to answer with anything specific. A simple “hi”, “hey”, or your own “what’s up” is fine to say back.
* You may see it spelled or pronounced in different ways like:
“waasssup,” “wazzzaap,” “what up,” or “sup”
Ex: Person #1 = “What’s up, man?”
Person #2 = “Not much, what’s up with you”
Ex: Person #1 = “What’s up? “
Person #2= “What’s up!”
*IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember this is informal, so we only say “what’s up” to our friends.