1) whatever (pronoun)
= used for referring to anything or everything that happens or is available, needed , wanted, etc.
Ex: You are free to do “whatever” you want.
Ex: “Whatever” he told you was a lie.

2) whatever (adjective)
= it does not matter
Ex: Person # 1: What do you want to eat?
Person #2 : “Whatever” is fine with me. You can decide.
Ex: “Whatever” happens, I will always love you.
3) whatever (exclamation)
= used to show annoyance to someone or something. (Basically, you don’t care.)
Ex: Fuck! I have to work on Saturday! “Whatever.”
Ex: Person #1: You are such a bitch!
Person #2: Yea, “whatever.”

4) whatever (adverb)
= used when you refer to something, but you don’t know what or who to call it.