This slang of trashed is a little different than the normal noun ,”trash”, that you throw away in the garbage.
trashed (when referring to objects or rooms as “trashed”)
= it is very dirty or things are broken
trashed (when referring to people as “trashed,”)
= they are extremely drunk
Who says this?: young people and middle aged people
1) trashed
= a room or possession that is very dirty or damaged
Ex: After the huge party, I realized my house was “trashed.”
Ex: The rock stars are “trashing” the room.

2) trashed
= a person who is extremely drunk
Ex: After a long night of drinking beer, I was “trashed.”
Ex: She always drinks too much alcohol and gets “trashed.”

3) Talking trash
= If one person is “talking trash”/”trash talking”, ” trashing” another person = they are talking bad about the other person.
Ex: The other team was “talking trash” to make us mad.
Ex: I saw that guy “trashing” that girl, and saying many bad things about her.