July 29, 2013February 25, 2020Slang Diva Diva = has both a positive and a negative meaning for a female * Origin: it comes from a 1800s Italian […]
July 29, 2013February 28, 2024Popular Expression Vice Versa Vice Versa (or sometimes called “visa versa”) = the reverse of the previous statement or sentence synonym = The other way […]
July 29, 2013February 25, 2020Popular Expression Meanwhile Meanwhile 1) meanwhile (noun) = The time between one event, process, or period to the other. (From now until then.) *synonym = […]
July 29, 2013February 25, 2020Popular Expression Whatever Whatever 1) whatever (pronoun) = used for referring to anything or everything that happens or is available, needed , wanted, etc. […]
July 29, 2013February 25, 2020Popular Expression To Go Off The Deep End To Go Off The Deep End = to become crazy *The phrase comes from the idea of learning how to […]
July 29, 2013February 25, 2020Popular Expression Gee Gee = mild surprise, disappointment or enthusiasm. *synonyms = gee whiz, gee golly, golly gee, gosh, wow Ex: “Gee,” the price […]
July 29, 2013February 25, 2020Popular Expression Stick Your Neck Out Stick Your Neck Out (idiom) = to take a risk for something or someone you care about, to strongly support Ex: […]
July 29, 2013February 25, 2020Popular Expression Duh Duh = “I know.” A rude response to a statement or question that is obvious and stupid ( Basically “duh” […]
July 29, 2013April 3, 2019Popular Expression Rock On Rock On = you’re doing awesome, keep going! I’m so excited synonym for rock on = keep rocking, Awesome!, Party on! […]
July 29, 2013February 25, 2020Slang Stoned Stoned = to become high from marijuana (weed), to be under the influence of marijuana Basically, being “stoned” is the feeling […]