Big Deal
= something very important
Ex: This party is a “big deal.” I want to look my best.
Ex: This is the final test of the year, so it’s a “big deal.”

What’s the big deal?
= why is this bad / important ?
Ex: “What’s the big deal” with gay marriage? I don’t think it’s a problem.

It’s no big deal / it’s not a big deal
= it is not serious / important
Ex: Don’t worry the stain in the carpet can be cleaned. “It’s no big deal.”

*Big deal used sarcastically,
= something is not important (who cares)
Ex: So, I’m 5 minutes late. “Big deal.” There was nothing important that I needed to be on time for today.
Make a big deal out of something
= make something more important than it really is
Ex: Don’t “make such a big deal out of missing the bus,” there will be another bus in 5 minutes.