American Generation Names
( Based on living generations)

= The New Silent Generation or Generation Z
Raised on technology, multi-cultured, smart phones
Videogames – Playstation 4 & XBOX 1, smart phone games
Music – Dance & Pop

= Millennials or Generation Y
“9/11 Generation”, Taught they are “special,”
Internet, Facebook, DVDs, Ipod, Selfies, Social Justice Warriors
Video games – Sega Genesis & Super Nintendo
Music – Grunge/ Alternative / Rap

1965 – 1979
= Generation X
Individualistic, self reliant, workaholics & slackers, skateboards, MTV,VCR
Video games – Atari & Nintendo
Music – New Wave & Hip Hop

1946 – 1964
= Baby Boomers
Cold War Generation, Vietnam War
Hippie- Peace, Love, Feminism, Civil Rights, Walk on the moon, TV
Music – Rock n Roll

1925 – 1945
= Silent Generation
Post World War II generation. Korean War
Conformity. Men loyal to their jobs, Hula hoop
Music – Big Band

1900 – 1924
= G.I. Generation