How to Use “Quotation Marks”

1) Use quotation marks when quoting someone directly.

Ex: Jane said, “I will meet you for lunch.”

2) Use quotation marks around the titles of articles, poems, short stories, songs, and TV shows. The larger works are italicized.

Ex: Richard Burton performed the song “Camelot” in the 1960 Broadway musical Camelot.

3) In American English, periods and commas ALWAYS go inside quotation marks.

Ex: My favorite poem is “The Road Not Taken.”

4) Always capitalize the first word in a complete quotation, even in the middle of a sentence.

Ex: John announced, “The car did not move during the traffic jam.”

5) Use quotation marks when referring to a word as a word, such as with technical language.

Ex: It’s an oil-extraction method known as “fracking.”

6) Use single quotation marks for quotations within quotations.

Ex: Matthew said, “My favorite poem is ‘The Road Not Taken,’ by Robert Frost.”

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