September 27, 2013June 11, 2015Podcast Episode #4: “Life After the Tsunami” Guest: Mika Koyama (Scroll down to listen to the podcast) Mika and I chat about the 2011 tsunami that hit […]
September 20, 2013June 11, 2015Podcast Episode #3: “Driving With Mom” Guest: My mom (Scroll down to listen to the conversation) My mom and I chatted about the following topics: My […]
September 12, 2013June 11, 2015Podcast Episode #2: “Culture Differences” Guest: Mika Koyama (Scroll down to listen to our conversation) Mika and I chat about some of the differences between Japanese […]
September 4, 2013June 11, 2015Podcast Episode #1: “Evil English” Guest: Yumiko Kanazawa (Scroll down to listen to our conversation) Yumi and I chat about the difficulties with learning English, […]
July 29, 2013February 25, 2020Popular Expression Speak Of The Devil Speak of the Devil = phrase used when a person or an object of discussion unexpectedly becomes present during the conversation […]
July 29, 2013February 25, 2020Popular Expression No Sweat No Sweat = no problem, or no difficulty Ex: Person#1: Can you take those boxes outside? Person #2: “No […]
July 29, 2013October 2, 2023Phrasal Verbs Watch Your Back Watch Your Back = be careful, watch out * This could be a threat or a warning from someone. Ex: In […]
July 29, 2013February 25, 2020Popular Expression For Real For Real = speaking honestly, the truth Ex: The rumors about our company closing are “for real.” We have to find […]
July 29, 2013February 24, 2020Phrasal Verbs To Look To Someone To Look to Someone = to go to someone for help, advice, support, or to rely on someone, turn to someone for […]
July 29, 2013February 25, 2020Slang Ol’ Ol’ (sometimes spelled “Ole”) = old IMPORTANT NOTE: In English, when we want to show accent we replace the […]