It’s vs Its
= a contraction (shortened version) of “it is” or “it has”
Ex: “It’s” been a long time. = It has been a long time.
Ex: “It’s” time to go. = It is time to go.
Ex: “It’s” very good = it is very good.
= the possessive form of “it”
Ex: The bird lost some of “its” feathers.
Ex: I saw a famous Pablo Picasso painting during “its” tour of America.
Ex: The company celebrated “its” 100th anniversary.
*Basically, it’s confusing because in almost every English word that ends with (‘s) is a possessive, but “it’s” is NOT a possessive.
*An easy test is to try to replace the word with “it is” or “it has.” If you can replace it, then “it’s” is correct. If not then “its” is correct.