Level 1 curse word (slightly inappropriate)
*IMPORTANT NOTE: This expression usually doesn’t refer to the religious hell, unless if you’re angry and tell someone to “go to hell.”
In this case, hell = annoyance, surprise or to show emphasis
Ex: Oh “hell!” I forgot to pay the electricity bill.
Ex: Get the “hell” out of my house now, before I call the police!
Ex: We won the game! “Hell” yeah!

Ex: My boss asked me to work early on Saturday, and I said “hell no!” and quit the job.

What the Hell
= 1)What!? what is this?, what happened?
Ex: “What the hell” happened to you?
Ex: “What the hell!” I just cleaned the house and it’s already messy again.

2) OK, I will do it
Ex: Hmm, I’m on a diet, but this cake looks so delicious. Oh, “what the hell?” Eating one piece of cake is OK.

* This expression can be used in other questions: Who the hell …? How the hell ….? Why the hell…? Where the hell …? When the hell?