( Level 3 Curse Word *The most offensive)
Fuck can be used in many various ways.
= vulgar word for sex
Ex: I would “fuck” him/her = I would have sex with him/her
“Fuck” can be used in a way to show anger at something or someone.
“Fuck you!”
= an expression of anger to someone
*You can express “fuck you” with the hand sign —>
= surprise, pain, fear, disgust, disappointment, anger, or a sense of extreme joy. (Has no connection to sex)
“Go fuck yourself!”
= get away from me (literally: go masturbate)
“Fuck that!”
= that is stupid
“I don’t give a fuck”
= I don’t care
“Fuck it!”
= I quit
“What the fuck!”
= I don’t understand
“Fuck no!”
= No!
“Fuck off!”
= leave me alone
“Shut the fuck up!”
= be quiet
= someone you don’t like, (literal meaning: saying someone had sex with their own mother (incest)=extreme insult
*Sometimes you can hear “motherfucker” to describe someone who is dangerous.
Ex: Bruce Lee was a “bad motherfucker.”= Bruce Lee was dangerous.
(Fucking _____!)
= extremely _____)
Ex: This food tastes “fucking disgusting!”
Probably the best and funniest example is this video of a man trying to make a Winnebago commercial. He gets so frustrated and lets the F-Bombs (fuck) fly, among other curse words.
Fuck can also be used in a positive way.
(Fucking _____!)
= extremely _____)
Ex: That movie was “fucking amazing.”
“Fuck yeah!”
= “Great!” or “Yes!”