February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Accelerator aCcelerator = ak-SEL’-ə-ray-tər = something that creates acceleration (speed) Try to pronounce it yourself.
February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Accept aCcept = ak-SEPT’ = 1) agree to something offered 2) believe or come to recognize Try to […]
February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Succinct succinct = sək- SINGKT’ = briefly and clearly expressed Try to pronounce it yourself.
February 5, 2014February 28, 2020Pronunciation Geography gEography = jee-OG’-rə-fee = study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere Try to pronounce it yourself. [clyp id=””] […]
February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Width wiDth = WIDTH =Type of measurement Try to pronounce it yourself.