February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Ruin ruIn (2 syllables) = ROO’-ən = to mess something up permanently Try to pronounce it yourself.
February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Probably probaBly = PROB’-əb-lee = more than a likely chance Try to pronounce it yourself.
February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Picture piCture = PIK’-chər = an image Try to pronounce it yourself.
February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Asked asKed = ASKT = to have stated a question Try to pronounce it yourself.
February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Eleven Eleven = ə-LEV’-ən = 11 Try to pronounce it yourself.
February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Government goverNment = GUV’-ərn-mənt = the governing body of a nation, state, or community Try to pronounce it yourself. […]
February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Strength strenGth = STRENGKTH = energy for lifting or moving objects Try to pronounce it yourself.
February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Length lenGth = LENGKTH = type of measurement Try to pronounce it yourself.
February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation February FebRuary = FEB’ -roo-er-ee = 2nd month of the year Try to pronounce it yourself.
February 5, 2014January 20, 2016Pronunciation Library libRary = LYE’ brer- ee = place that holds a lot of books or information Try to […]